Set up your Wordpress site

What we’ll be doing

We are going to recreate everything you have done with Drupal on Wordpress to highlight the differences between the two. Once you have a working copy of your profile ste on both platforms you can choose which one you will keep for your learning record of teh boot camp and beyond.

Step 1: Get a Wordpress site setup

Follow the same steps as when you previously set up the Drupal site but this time chosing to install Wordpress (obviously).

Once Wordpress is installed head to the admin dashboard and fill in some appropriate settings, you can use all teh same information and logo as in your Drupal site.

Other settings

You'll notice that a lot of the things we needed to set up on Drupal 7 are already done for us with Wordpress. It has default taxonomies tags and categories that are automatically assigned to both pages and posts so no need to set that up. Text editor is set up and preconfigured, additional user roles already exist as does a blog page listing all posts with an RSS feed already configured. Also you can add images and media directly into posts without adding or configuring anything.

You can see why Wordpress is so popular, powering 20% of the websites in the world.


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