
What’s in this module? An introduction to the course and getting setup on correct systems.

Aim: Understand and feel comfortable with the course structure & methods, ask any questions you have. Access Google Drive and start logging on your progress spreadsheet.

About this course

This site has the key information and resurces for you to complete the training, in addition to this there will be presentations by professional web developers covering key concepts. There will laso be mentors on hand to answer questions and help with any problems.

  • First up we are going to build our own website which we’ll use as our portfolio and blog
  • We'll also be setting up profiles on Google, GitHub, Wordpress, Drupal and LinkedIn
  • Once the modules are complete everyone will undertake a project
  • Each module has an aim, a set of instructions and some resources
  • Once the modules are complete everyone will undertake a short project, delivering a website to a brief

  • At the end of each day, we’ll write a blog post & update our progress spreadsheets

Get set up on systems

Google Drive

  • if you don’t have one already, go to Google and create a new Google Account
  • Login to your google account and go to Google Drive
  • Create a folder in Google Drive using your full name as the name of the folder
  • Share this folder with the facilitator
  • Create a copy of the Apprentice info doc and add it to your Google drive folder
  • Replace [NAME] with your name and fill in any information you can, or would like to share with the facilitators and prospective employers


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