Change the WP theme

Drupal Themes

Drupal comes with a very ‘Drupally’ look out of the box, so if you want to give it a bit more of a unique look you can change the Theme. A theme in Drupal controls how the website looks, all of the content and the back-end settings of the website remains the same when you change your theme. There are some settings which you can change per-theme, such as the logo.

Change Your Theme

Now we’re going to change our theme, there method we’re going to use is to download the theme .zip file and upload it straight into our Drupal site.

  1. Read: Installing a theme in Drupal 7
  2. Make sure the ‘Update manager’ module is enabled. Go to Modules select the Update manager module and save the page to enable the module.
  3. Now, try installing the Bootstrap Business theme


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